PonySaurus Rex

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86 Posts & Comments

PonySaurus Rex 1549032095

@KINIX yeah xD ^_^

PonySaurus Rex 1549021937

@willis8080 Thanks ^_^

PonySaurus Rex 1549021742

@ZombieShooter0 try using a new Unity 2017 project to upload it, see if that works

PonySaurus Rex 1547643018

@Infected there fixed it :)

PonySaurus Rex 1545875017

@starrybutter you can fix that by just removing the idle pose in the animation override

PonySaurus Rex 1545823819

@infantry, apparently avatars with colliders on them aren't allowed in the new update of VRChat

PonySaurus Rex 1545739780

Glad ya like it fellas, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to y'all! ^_^

PonySaurus Rex 1543672747

@willis8080 click on the Download tab on the upper right corner of that page

PonySaurus Rex 1543158451

@JeppeDK Make sure you download also the file in that mediafire link provided in the description

PonySaurus Rex 1540472039

try moving the "target object" that is parented to the head, a bit further back, cuz i'm using a scale modified vrc sdk

PonySaurus Rex 1530579371

yeah i can but maybe some other time :)

PonySaurus Rex 1529572787

@crazynate9 yeah most of my stuff are more or less Black-Mesa inspired :)

PonySaurus Rex 1528461635

@Red134 and that's why I provided clear instructions on how to mod the default vrchat sdk down on the description.

PonySaurus Rex 1528461461

@MissBun RedfoxEditor has a fluttershy model that I can port for VRChat use but he doesn't want to release that one publicly, unfortunately :(

PonySaurus Rex 1528461390

@MichaelPilot I'm afraid not due to the file size limit. Maybe some other time I'll provide links to those.

PonySaurus Rex 1527769396

yeah you could, but again like I said, I forgot to decimate all of these, cuz the way decimation works now on the unity plugin i'm using is that I have to wait 2 mins for every decimation for each separate mesh, which frankly i don't have the patience for, and I don't decimate in blender only in unity. Best bet is to just upload it to above 20k it'll only take you a sec to edit the file I mentioned in the description above. And @xfacter, yeah I legit forgot to decimate all of these :/

PonySaurus Rex 1527541105

@Clyde PonySaurus_Rex #0510 also @Laes you're welcome :-)

PonySaurus Rex 1527266443

nah I just forgot to decimate all of these

PonySaurus Rex 1527043095

thanks and have fun guys :-)

PonySaurus Rex 1527013141

sorry... forgot to check the polycount, here's how you can upload a higher polycount avatar: "~> If you want to upload it to above 20K polys, you can do so by manually editing the "VRC_SdkControlPanel.cs" file using Notepad + + (what I'm using) in this directory: Documents>New Unity Project (or whatever project name you're using)>Assets>VRCSDK>Dependencies>VRChat>Editor. What you want to do is find the lines that says: "(polycount < 20000)" and change it to something bigger."

PonySaurus Rex 1523441297

if you're using an unmodified VRCSDK on your unity, make sure to only upload the scene named "twilight sparkle mmd below 20k" instead of the "twilight sparkle mmd above 20k" one

PonySaurus Rex 1523262583

unfortunately, no

PonySaurus Rex 1523092665

yeah... I can practically transfer the animations over to some halo models up on gmod

PonySaurus Rex 1523000393

btw just updated the avatar just recently... edited some weight paints and fixed the pointy ass thing